Hound of the Baskervilles

Doyle, Arthur Conan. The Complete Sherlock Holmes: The Hound of the Baskervilles. Doubleday & Company, 1930.

Reason read: Yup. I am still slogging through this. I feel a break coming on…

This is probably my favorite Sherlock Holmes mystery. I loved the way Doyle described the moor as having a grim charm. The thought of an escaped convict, someone dubbed the Nottinghill Murderer, living out on the fog-filled moor was eerie. Whole ponies have been swallowed up by this deadly bog and yet, supposedly, this murderer was out there with an evil creature, something with “diabolical agency” and supernatural powers. Something that looked like a dog, but twice its size with glowing eyes and a mouth teeth and flames. this is another tale of deception and greed, but with a welcomed unusual twist.

Line I liked, “To act the spy upon a friend was a hateful task” (p 718).

Author fact: I have lost track of what I have said about Sir Conan Arthur Doyle.

Book trivia: The Hound of the Baskervilles was made into a movie in 1959.

Nancy said: Pearl didn’t say anything specific about The Hound of the Baskervilles because she only mentions The Complete Sherlock Holmes.

BookLust Twist: from Book Lust in the chapter called “I Love a Mystery” on page 117 (although not really because it is contained in The Complete Sherlock Holmes). I said that already. A few times.

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